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I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but not this! This game... wow what a trip! I love the surrealism and the atmosphere. really well done. Bravo! Kudos!


this looks like bigcdaman345[on[he makes games that look like that[its the sam kind of visul stly]]]

I did not play this game 


I hope the brainrot pills start working for you.


Any chance to adjust mouse sensitivity? Game is unplayable for me just because that one problem

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is WILD, BONKERS and AWESOME!


Hey friend! I hope you enjoy the video As much as I enjoyed the game! 

Good Job

hi ,, i like ure game ,, maybe we can make a collaboration in the future !!


One of the most interesting games i played here,unfortunately i got only two endings,i tried to play it again to get new endings,but i don't understood what to do with items i got and how to move on,but i still liked it,it really gives you this atmosphere of living in slums and ghettos,5\5


Crazy game 👍

(1 edit) (+3)

takes the VHS style that many developers try to recreate and pushes it to 1000. very interesting!


i remember playing this game when i was tripping on DMT. made some good memories with my buddies. this is genuinely one of my favorite games. There's just so much to do and see and you're always left sitting there thinking "the fuck?" but in a good way. 


I am not exaggerating when I say this is one of my favourite games ever. So many games on here are barely even games, but this is really great and a very nice surprise.


100% agree, one of the most underrated games of all time.


Triple AGREE! This was so much fun to play and edit! We need more games like this


Great game, alot of replay ability value. Wanted to unlock all endings but it seems kinda buggy at times to achieve different endings.


I could've played this game for days! There were so many hidden easter eggs. I want to know what the beef with the clown was and why couldn't I kill it but it could kill me?! I have a big grudge lol. Other than that, I am proud that I cooked those CBD brownies. OMNOMNOM!! Starts at 6:13 until 01:36:18!


to kill the clown you need to reach the end of the maze and get the party gun, it looks like a toy dinosaur


Thank you omgg!  I will play again now just to get the clown lol


This game was amazing, I was up until 4 in the morning playing it... Tried to get all the endings but unfortunately #7 and #10 were too difficult to figure out, regardless, I was enthralled with the experience. Definitely reminiscent of Manhunt (aesthetically). Thank you for making this, I hope you continue to make more games like this in the future!


This was one of the more unique horror games I've played in awhile. Lots of strange, fun surprises around every corner. I love when these types of games aren't super predictable, it definitely helps make it feel more engaging. Really glad I finally got around to checking this out for a video (:

Wow, i can even smell this game, absolutely crazy, all in a good way of course


I just send you a tip of 12 dollars because oh meeen... this game is awesome! just keep going doing good games, or you can make the second part of cookies.


póngalo para steam plssss


I killed the rat king with the three piece. Pretty sure I sequence broke the game lol. I would like to see some sort of checkpoint/save system in the future.


fuster clucks is super broken, respawn with the carrols either has them frozen or spawns you in the kitchen area with no way to get back in the freezer other than main menu


this is the first itch game that actually has replay value lol, love this 


i play a lot of indie horror but this one was a surprise gem.


This was a strange one and I loved every second of it.


Esta buenísimo


Super jeu!


you should change the controls of the inventory to TAB instead of keeping it as I, cause it is easier 


Hi Stef Pinto it's there any chance that i could help to translate the game to Spanish? i don't know anything about how to do it but i would like to help your game reach more people. (My first/main language it's spanish so it would be a good translation)


How can i save in this game? 

The game autosaves whenever you complete a storyline.


can we have a sequel please


I love the game its a really cool concept with a great environment. also is the whole snuff fight portion slightly inspired by manhunt


Im super stuck.

I've completed the cookies storyline but after the boss fight I get no cut scene or anything,  and I've seen in some game play it's meant to end :/ I've replayed it atleast 10 times now .

I only have 2 endings left to unlock but this one doesn't seem to want to unlock and i don't know how to activate the next last one.


Hey, sorry for the delay with replying to your last message and this one, I've been a tad busy recently. Could you give some specifics as to what storyline you're trying to achieve, and what you're doing right before its supposed to end?  The tenth and final storyline only unlocks when the other nine are completed which is why you haven't been able to access it yet.

Sorry for any frustration this has caused.


it's totally fine, don't worry :)

So I've completed them all except 07 and 10.

So im on 07 , everything works fine until I have to deal with the sinners,  once I've dealt with them on the other floor I make my way to the basement to deal with the boss and his throwable weapon, 

he is actually pretty easy to deal with but once he's dead nothing happens. 

I've wondered around the whole game and can't figure out what I've done wrong.


Also no need be sorry , im enjoying this game and the only frustration happening is that I want to see how the game finishes and I cant haha 


Wooo i did it.

not sure what it was, might have been a glitch but I loaded up again today and it worked first time. Finally unlocked 07 ♡ now I'm gonna start the 10 ♡


Didnt take to long to complete 10 ♡

I really enjoyed this game and I am super interested to see what you come up with next ♡


Okay so im back, im really enjoying it , ive done afew different ending now and im loving ♡

I went back and got past that clown. After afew failed attempts I managed to complete that story which was cool:)

I got stuck on the p*rno storyline and had to go back to menu and went on another path. I didnt want to spoil the game for myself by looking it up.

and i dont want to spoil it for anyone else 





Spoiler warning






******Spoiler start*****

So I got to a fight with only a throwing object and I keep dying , like I've died atleast 30 times.

Any Spoiler free tips would be great.

Like is it possible to do this with only the throwing item? (no health or anything) 

Is my pc just being to slow and it should be an easy ass fight?.




***** Spoiler end ****






Anyways yeah any tips are welcome, I really want to get all endings for this game as I am really enjoying it.

I have found afew bugs like falling through the floor and being able to see rooms before I've gone into them. 

I've also put stuff down and it disappeared. And sometimes the ui doubles up its slots in the inventory,  sometimes ending in lost items.

Anyways it is a great game ♡ 

Would love to see it get some AAA attention ♡


Good Sh!t. Seriously, I very much enjoyed it.

This was fantastic

(1 edit) (+2)

okay so i have only played part of this game so far, (had to take a break, the old school camera style is great but made me feel a little sick) but so far i love it <3 

its weird and great and i am excited to see what else pops up in the game.

the little box shop dude is my fave so far just because <3

im working on my own spoopy game so this was a really nice find :)

edit - looking at the comments, it may be my pc that has made me feel sick not the game haha, my pc is oldddd.

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